Reverend Elizabeth Murray, a female pastor, arrives on behalf of Rashard.
The next episode starts out with a surprise visit from Grandpa, who develops a serious crush on the female pastor.
They have ordained female pastors since 1959.
Despite the fact that opposition to female pastors had been regularly affirmed since 1914, the office of pastor was opened to women in 1935.
Membership is open to both male and female pastors from any Lutheran church body.
The first female pastor of the congregation, the Rev. Kathleen Tice, was installed in 1999.
Yet there was some wonder that they were recommending that Bethany hire its first female pastor.
In church services, women give "personal testimony," sounding like preachers, but many churches bar female pastors.
She thus became the first female pastor in the province.
In six to seven years, male and female pastors are trained for service in the worldwide church.