She continues to distort and explode traditional visions of female sensuality.
However, female sensuality does exert a paralyzing, ultimately destructive influence.
Braguinha's songs were often nuanced celebrations of female sensuality and evocative of the lush tropical bounty of Brazil's vast territory.
If the work is still a 'student' piece, already Renoir's heightened personal response to female sensuality is present.
Miss Hwong writes that Miss Wiener's focus led her to express "a landscape of the unconscious where female sensuality becomes a driving force."
He described as "fluff" one program about female sensuality in defining the "new Latina" in this country.
Each is a "feisty woman with male will and female sensuality who assaults the citadel.
When he saw some of her charcoal drawings, they conveyed to him a subliminal message of female sensuality.
Mucuy Bolles and the smoldering-eyed Solange SandyGroves provided the requisite female sensuality.
Aggressive exploration of female sensuality is still not high on the agenda of curators and collectors.