Women were always being betrayed by their female vanity!
As soon as the discussion focuses on female vanity, sexuality and self-image, attention is diverted from the real issue.
Women were always being S trayed by their female vanity!
And it was not female vanity that caused Jodi to remark upon her disfigurement; she no longer felt whole.
Ransom perceived that the affair of the robes and the mirror had been only superficially concerned with what is commonly called female vanity.
If nothing else, Shakuntala was too supremely self-confident to worry much over such simple female vanities.
(I deplore the massacre of animals to feed female vanity.)
She confessed the makeover stemmed from a "crisis" and "female vanity".
Also she has a hand mirror symbolizing "female vanity", a recent attribute with no deeper meaning.
To be surrounded by six handsomely uniformed-ned and attentive men was all that her female vanity could endure in one evening.