Camilla Wicks (born August 9, 1928) is an American violinist and one of the first female violinists to establish a major international career.
Priscilla was next assigned the lead in My Love Came Back, a romantic story involving a female violinist.
The background features a collection of houses next to an Orthodox church, and an upside-down female violinist in front of a black-clothed man holding a scythe.
After his death, his widow Anna established a scholarship in his name, for one male and one female violinist.
It features a dance by Keeler, Rogers, and many female violinists with neon-tubed violins that glow in the dark.
A female violinist then exits, still playing the haunting final fermata of the second movement as she walks away.
Galamian, however, was known to be prejudiced against female violinists.
He always told her not to get married, as he had seen promising female violinists before her choose marriage over violin performance.
Rodrigues was joined on stage by a guitarist, and also a female violinist and three drummers.