And each offers some feminine attribute, of ultimate benefit to the spiritual aspirant who asks for her assistance.
It also allows us to overlook the power in some traditionally feminine attributes and roles - motherhood, for instance.
Then he'd look good in those clothes, to my eye, but precisely because he had feminine attributes.
"You are too clever to do that, Rosemary," he rejoined, "disloyalty being so essentially a feminine attribute."
Char noticed he took a moment to appreciate the other vampire's feminine attributes, then he looked at her, smiling.
She paid him scant attention as she adjusted the towel to camouflage her feminine attributes.
Likewise many women have denied some of their feminine attributes in order to earn a living in a work force that rewards masculine attributes.
In a few cases, the names can be followed by 'justified' using feminine attributes.
The lower figures are androgynous, wearing gowns and posing with traditionally feminine attributes.
Caring for children is generally considered to be a feminine attribute.