Zanita gave him a look of pure feminine desire.
Her earlier works, back to "A Real Young Girl," deal with feminine desire.
True that it also has attracted feminine sexual desire, like the Bride-of-Christ school shows.
The last fin-de-siecle was obsessed with feminine desire, which was seen as both mad and menacing.
She leads a life that confuses even herself on whether she's a man or a woman, but her shoes satisfy her feminine desire.
She'd nearly succumbed to Quinn's flattery and her own feminine desire to believe him.
The silence never lasts long, however, for the feminine desire to "talk it over" usually gets the better of the deepest emotion.
It carried her scent, which was mingled now with the unmistakable fragrance of feminine desire.
What he longed for, she argues, was the strong father missing from his childhood, a male bulwark against the floodtide of feminine desire.
He had created Princess X not as a sculpture depicting a more masculine subject, but the object of feminine desire and vanity.