At 13, he began studying opera with Connie Cox, a local coach, who brought a feminine influence to his singing.
Contrary to custom feminine influence made itself felt.
A feminine influence to keep Krus in check, and steady him in the heat of the fight.
One of the themes that the play Macbeth wrestles with is the relationship between male vulnerability and feminine influence.
If Mr. Rickson can speak of feminine influences, similar words have been used to describe his strengths as a director.
The main belief is that male domination itself and the suppression of feminine influences are the root cause of tragedy in both theater and real life.
It's all due to my feminine influence.
In every room she encountered a subtle, delicate feminine influence.
We decided that it would be best for you to have some feminine influence.
The reason is that we are trying to help build a harmonious society in those countries also, and the 'feminine influence' tends to promote peace.