For most feminists claim that in a world dominated by sexual politics, "quality" is a concept employed to keep the male literary tradition intact.
And now some feminists, putting a new spin on this idea, are claiming the store as the place where women first became "public women."
The prominence of violence has also been an issue, while some feminists in Britain have claimed the story is sexist.
As for Surah 4:34 of the Qur'an, which has been used to justify wife-beating, many Islamic feminists claim it was never meant to do so.
Many Indian feminists simultaneously claim a specific "Indian" sensitivity as well as an international feminist solidarity with groups and individuals worldwide.
Some feminists and masculists claim it reinforces sexism by objectifying the individual.
For mothers, feminists claimed only the right to extend their domestic influence beyond the home, and to practise what was later termed 'social' or 'civic maternalism'.
At least that's what a feminist might claim.
Liberals, libertarians, feminists, democratic socialists, social democrats, anarchists, freethinkers, and progressives often claim him as an intellectual ancestor.