In feminist research on poverty and resources within households; respondents again tend to be given no ethnic identity.
Lott, for instance, says that anyone interested in making psychological theory generally more interactionist, must be interested in feminist research.
The focus of much feminist research into education is the extent to which girls are (consciously or unconsciously) discriminated against.
Association for Women in Psychology, a scientific educational organization encouraging feminist psychological research, theory, and activism.
This is particularly true of feminist research on the TNCs.
An invitation to feminist research.
Researchers should be held accountable to those affected by their research; under no means should feminist research exploit others.
There have been important developments in social research in the 1980s, one of which is the growth of feminist research (Roberts 1981).
She works on epistemological questions in archaeological practice and feminist research in the social sciences.
(with Liz Stanley) Breaking out: feminist consciousness and feminist research (1982)