So far, most Japanese feminists say that the overwhelming message is positive.
In America, feminists say they struggle to get laws that set goals, let alone quotas, for the advancement of women.
A Palestinian feminist said it was where she discovered American women had a way to go too.
It was an utterly modern and dangerously honest statement, something 1980's feminists might have thought but never said.
It is precisely at the level of symbolism that, feminists are saying, the Christian story has harmed women.
Later feminists in the early 20th century also said that women should be allowed to vote in a democracy.
A feminist said the party was not radical enough.
In the United States, the situation for women could stand a lot of improving, many feminists say.
Now the feminists are saying Paula Jones shouldn't be believed because she "waited too long."
This is what feminists correctly say we should do in all nonathletic areas.