Mending fences; mending souls.
The streets are clean, the fences mended and the leaves raked on the lawns of the Greek Revival homes that line the historic district here.
Last night someone asked Valentine if he felt he had "fences to mend."
An Aberdeenshire small farmer had retired, but onto a seven-acre croft where 'they used to always have fences to mend and trees to cut down;"he used to take me round on the barrow, when he was cuttin' down trees.
Josh and Byron were puffing on cigars, and her daughters, fences mended for the moment, were at the piano.
"You thought that fence might've mended while you were away to sea?"
"You have many broken fences to mend," he said.
But he added that the president still had fences to mend among Hispanic voters on this issue because his administration had sided with the white plaintiffs in the Michigan cases.
I have some fences to mend with my patients, but . . ." "You won't tell me the lawyer's name, but I'll see it in the paper, right?