I saw few corrals, a few fenced gardens.
As we approached the wells, we passed several large villages surrounded by fenced gardens of cotton, and tobacco, both of which throve exceedingly.
A fenced rectangular garden is 10 meters wide and 20 meters long.
The head keeper's house is located close to the lighthouse, and on the tallest ground, and also includes a small fenced garden.
Unlike the Broadhurst address, the Ottaway house does not have a fenced garden with patio bar, or a hot tub.
There is a fenced garden but no garage.
Each of these huts stood in a fenced garden of its own, a thing I have rarely seen elsewhere in Africa.
In one was a straight line of fenced gardens, perhaps an acre each.
She shone the torch around the little fenced garden.
He walked by instinct along one white road, on which early birds hopped and sang, and found himself outside a fenced garden.