This series has be heavily criticized for its inaccurate portrayal of fencing techniques and scoring methods.
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Eve's fights using a fencing technique and an energy saber.
The swordsmen used both the edges and points of their weapons, and there was a variety of blades and fencing techniques in evidence.
The Apatanis employ unique fencing techniques for land demarcation involving fences made of elaborate structures and living shrubs.
Kendo is an art form inspired by the fencing techniques of the samurai.
He was a master of fencing technique and followed the principle "Teach what you can do yourself" in his work with students.
László proved himself as a talented coach, displaying exceptional knowledge in the spheres of fencing techniques, tactics, and methods.
Chuck flashes on fencing techniques for his fight with Panzer.
This had consequences for both fencing technique and design of the weapon.