That animal who wore a green hunting cap and went around smelling like fermented beans wrapped in a dirty old rag?
The powerfully salty fermented beans blew the delicate salmon right out of the water.
Miso, the powerfully flavored fermented bean paste, keeps for months in the refrigerator.
The fermented beans are dried by spreading them out over a large surface and constantly raking them.
A plume of fermented beans burst forth like a geyser.
A similar Visayan dish called humba adds fermented black beans.
But what of the fermented black beans, a salt-encrusted Chinese condiment that adds such an interesting flavor to the dish?
The fermented black beans used in the recipe should be rinsed to remove excess salt, but no such advice is given.
Typical seasonings include chili peppers, onions, and iru (fermented beans).
Black bean sauce is available in many supermarkets, but it is not a good substitute for fermented black beans.