"We'll surely attack first," said the beautiful young man, whose Madonna face was incapable of a ferocious expression.
His ferocious expression had softened a little.
His last image of the Typees is the "ferocious expression" on Mow-mow's face.
His painted eyebrows narrowed in a ferocious, scowling expression.
Looking for something to pick up and hit with; Susie knew the motion, the searching, the glazed, ferocious, incredulous expression on her face.
His tone was at odds with his ferocious expression.
On the other hand, her ferocious expression, not unlike a tigress about to strike its prey, filled him with satisfaction.
Carrot brought himself to attention like a barn being raised and stared straight ahead with a ferocious expression of acute obedience.
He grinned, a ferocious expression on a visage with jaws so long.
Huma looked from one to another with what he hoped was a ferocious expression.