His ferocious hits, then, were not due to any innate ferociousness, but rather to the laws of physics.
Hamlin, a starting safety known for his ferocious hits and nicknamed the Hammer, had a fractured skull and a blood clot near his brain.
The league added an in-the-grasp rule that has saved the quarterback from ferocious hits.
Due to his ferocious hits, several of his Redskins teammates nicknamed him "Meast," a portmanteau word from the expression "half man, half beast."
It was linebacker Mo Lewis's ferocious hit on Bledsoe last season that ruined his Patriots career.
It loves to force an offensive player to sit out a play or two because of a ferocious hit.
He was laying some ferocious hits on people.
Atwater and Dennis Smith made up a Broncos secondary that was known for their ferocious hits on opposing players.
It was such a ferocious hit that the officials threw him out of the game.
If he puts one of his ferocious hits on Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman, the game flips upside down.