Ironically, despite his ferocious reputation, there are no verified accounts of him actually killing anyone.
Despite his ferocious reputation though, there are no verified accounts of his ever having murdered or harmed those he held captive.
Something about the pink eyes and nose, the ferocious reputation, the whiplash strength of the hot little body, inspired wariness.
He was rumoured to be a Kalaripayyat exponent and had a ferocious reputation.
But Sheriff Schuster's size had been belied by his ferocious reputation as a lawman who swung his nightstick first and asked questions later.
He was the boss of the South Bronx, and he had a ferocious reputation.
At the time, Gongsun Zan led the strongest army with the most ferocious reputation in northern China.
He was not a man to be crossed, and Tubruk knew he had a ferocious reputation in the Senate.
The talk was all of the coming war and the ferocious reputation of the Battle King.
Wild dogs frequently kill larger prey via disemboweling, a technique that is rapid but has caused this species to have a negative, ferocious reputation.