Mention anorexia or bulimia, and what comes to mind is a skin-and-bones teenager caught in a ferocious struggle to be thin.
The difficulty is that the mirror of self-reflection is extremely powerful and only lets its victims go after a ferocious struggle.
What has now become a ferocious struggle for ideological control of the courts began in earnest with the election of Mr. Reagan.
The ferocious struggle between Traff and Yomonul continued; first one edged ahead, then the other.
So began a ferocious struggle which saw the battery change hands repeatedly during the attack.
The Legislature approved the bill late Thursday night, ending one of Albany's most ferocious struggles in memory.
At the crime scene, the police had found numerous signs of a ferocious physical struggle between the victim and his murderer.
And it is a ferocious struggle, we increasingly realize, between the Gorbachev reformers and their bureaucratic and ideological opponents.
Her whole body said she was caught up in a ferocious internal struggle.
Then the men were locked in a ferocious struggle.