Large scale emigration and fertility decline are supposed to be the main causes of the observed population decrease.
The research center's study also found evidence of a correlation between economic difficulties and fertility decline by race and ethnicity.
The economy is a powerful stimulus to fertility decline.
We have observed many positive consequences of fertility decline.
This is true to an even greater extent of the fertility decline to which we now turn.
Areas which supported reformist social democrat political parties (as opposed to traditionalist Christian ones) had the fastest fertility decline.
These differentials give us important clues about the motivation and causes of the fertility decline.
Many of the classic economic and social indicators of fertility decline had been present for a long time in nineteenth-century Britain.
But it would not be difficult to construct post hoc explanations for fertility decline occurring earlier in the nineteenth century as well.
Legal abortion in Britain since 1967 came too late to explain the beginning of fertility decline.