Both of the designs have aroused fervent opposition from many neighborhood organizations and preservationists.
That plan was defeated after fervent opposition in Congress.
Even President Clinton's cautiously inventive proposals to transfer the problem to a successor four terms down the road have met with fervent opposition.
The project had won local approval but inspired fervent opposition from historians and from environmentalists.
Appointing a ruler would just be another form of outside intervention, and it'd immediately spawn a fervent opposition.
His health is fragile, and his fervent opposition to the war in Iraq would have pleased the impeccably liberal committee.
"Both stirred up the bureaucracy against them and elicited fervent support and fervent opposition."
During the cold war, the cause that most united conservatives was fervent opposition to the Soviet Union.
The most fervent opposition to paying significantly more for commercials during the 1998-99 season came from Detroit auto makers.
The Conservatives, by contrast, were united by their fervent opposition to the Republican government and presented a more unified front.