Some are fervently religious and say they still want to die a martyr's death in a holy war.
They are said to be fervently religious, holding prayer services which last almost all day.
Flagellation (from Latin flagellare, to whip) was quite a common practice amongst the more fervently religious.
Americans, they say, are fervently religious because there are so many churches competing for their devotion.
The secular merchant class lives in its world and the fervently religious live in theirs.
His speeches and essays were fervently religious and showed a progressive, optimistic philosophy.
They are fervently religious, worshipping their gods as living deities.
Many blogs, particularly those by the most fervently religious, are anonymous.
In America, they are among our most fervently religious communities.
Even his miserable money-grubbing father (whom I secretly admired) was fervently religious.