Mary Wilson's mother could neither read nor write; still, she fervently wanted Mary and her other children to go to college.
In fact, however, many Turks say they fervently want their country to meet those standards.
They are a broad cross-section, none entirely sure what their man stands for, but all united in fervently wanting him to lead the country.
But that doesn't keep them from believing what they fervently want to believe.
There was a reason for her existence, and he fervently wanted to be a part of it.
These people fervently want the species to continue.
He fervently wants to remain in the euro, and had been planning to campaign for a Yes vote.
I fervently want," the Pollisand said, "to wipe them off the face of this galaxy.
But these muscles made the women exceedingly dangerous in bed (which is where the men fervently wanted them).
In case of conflict, the decision would go to the secretary of the service owning the base, something Pentagon officials fervently want to avoid.