The festival, combined with multiple pumpkin patches surrounding the town, generate severe traffic congestion each year.
A spokesman for the opera company said the festival had generated $462,000 in tickets sales, slightly less than half of what was expected.
The festival has proven to be popular and has generated considerable interest in the Indian film-making community.
Ultimately, the festival generated a grand total of P450,000,000 in ticket sales, an all-time record high.
Here in the United States, salsa congresses and festivals are generating tropical heat as the winter months draw near.
Today, the festival runs from May through October, occupies three theaters and generates plenty of local revenue.
Even though the festival had generated $387,000 in revenue, the society had fallen behind on its $2,000 monthly rent payments.
Balanchine was well aware of the anticipation and excitement that such festivals generated for ticket buyers.
While "Rock in Opposition" was never intended to be a formal organisation, the festival did generate "a lot of press around the world".
Ms. Rosenthal said that last year's festival generated nearly $50 million in business for downtown hotels, restaurants and shops.