We built a sauna for 12 in the basement and used it nightly before festive dinners.
But how can you turn a simple meal for two into a more festive dinner for three or four without sabotaging an evening's relaxation?
With its subtle taste and saffron color, it is a good start for a very festive dinner.
A big festive dinner for 50?
The unreality of their festive dinner was over.
The Simpson Street group holds festive dinners to honor men in the community, like police officers, teachers and ordinary fathers, who are good role models.
He wants a rib-sticking, festive dinner as much as the next guy.
In the glow of the firelight, she sees wonderful visions of a Christmas tree and a festive dinner.
C1 The Christmas gift of a festive dinner.
They had pushed the three tables together and, after a long day of unloading supplies and equipment, were celebrating with a festive dinner.