She immediately divined the whole plot, and hence her sudden appearance on the festive scene.
It may also just be a festive scene.
It was a festive scene, with fans wearing the colorful clothing of their respective teams and shouting greetings to the popular coach.
But the festive scene, the blazing lights, the 'universal hubbub,' failed to raise his spirits.
It is a festive scene, brimming with good will, suggesting a happy sanctuary in which a child can play.
What could guns and war have to do with this festive scene?
Christie's offers three festive scenes of parties and dancing that are expected to sell for $25,000 to $45,000.
They cast a golden glow over the festive scene.
The festive scene made him feel even more morose, more isolated.
Underneath these masks they were gagged so that their cries did not upset the festive scene.