The pancake race remains a relatively common festive tradition in the UK, especially England, even today.
May Day A festive tradition, this pageant was begun in 1912.
It is unknown if new presenter Nick Grimshaw will keep up this festive tradition.
The family first started the festive tradition in 2002, adorning their home with 70,000 lights and calling their project a 'Christmas Story'.
Also known as Papangu city, because a festive tradition in which the people dress masks of all types during the Carnival festivities.
If so, where is the sense of all their dreams of festive traditions?
Here is a solid and ancient festive tradition still plying a roaring trade in the streets, and they think it vulgar.
The event grew into one of South Florida's most festive and celebrated traditions, but was discontinued after Pope died.
Nancy Reagan says that while the holiday, with its festive traditions, evokes unique memories, this one is also a time for looking ahead.
"Here we have a more open and festive tradition," he said.