In letters and journals, he mentions playing the piano at the bar, drinking with his father and dashing over with an empty kettle to fetch beer.
Since I have been in this house,' returned Somerset, 'I have myself, unless it were to fetch beer, rarely gone abroad except in the evening.
Alex was known for a series of commercials wherein he would fetch beer for his owner.
He rose to fetch beer and milk.
And People to fetch beer for him.
We are reminded that in the 50's young players were expected to fetch beer for the veterans and to participate in bench-clearing brawls.
Little Loewy fetched himself beer from the tap, and saluted with his pipe.
He fetched beer and brought out a bottle of distilled water for Rosen without asking.
They couldn't go to the kitchen to fetch beer and pretzels.
Such older people, or others not fit for combat, as were spry enough, waited near the middle of the buildings, prepared to carry off the wounded, fetch beer, and otherwise aid the fighting line.