The title referred originally to a count who had imperial immediacy, or feudal duty owed directly to the Holy Roman Emperor.
Danegeld is a similar type of land tax, but tallage was brought to England by the Normans as a feudal duty.
At home in Kent, he fulfilled his feudal duties, serving as justice of the peace for the county.
The population welcomed the new government, because it brought an end the power of the aristocracy, the abolition of the feudal duties, liberal legislation and other benefits.
As a reward for von Bolanden all of the then accepted feudal duties were fulfilled.
In subinfeudation, the new tenant would become a serf owing feudal duties to the person who alienated.
Allodium - Land held absolutely in one's own right, and not of any lord or superior; land not subject to feudal duties or burdens.
As Orthodox clergy their status had been that of vassals with the requisite feudal duties.
In England feudal duty obliged many people to use bannal mills and ovens.
Perform all your feudal duties as long as they do not conflict with the laws of God.