During the feudal period, it was only the big farmers who had a fishing boat.
In addition to the complementary nature of the different holidays, there were later accretions during the feudal period.
The city faces the Inland Sea and salt production was its main industry during the feudal period.
Period from around the 12th century through the 19th century is called feudal period in the history of Japan.
During the feudal period, suigun seized power in most coastal areas.
Thus he came to understand, better even than native shrewdness allowed, that the feudal period was waning.
A number of temple districts and commercial areas also survive from the feudal period.
But it might have been added during feudal period just to give the festival a touch of the authority of the ruling class.
During the feudal period, the coming of age was celebrated at 15 for noblemen.
During the feudal period, justice was administered by the local lord, who was required to give service to his sovereign.