In 1542 the Schulenburgs succeeded the Alvenslebens as feudal tenants.
William needed to ensure the direct loyalty of his feudal tenants.
Owen de la Pole (ap Gruffydd) had several brothers, whom he enfeoffed as his feudal tenants with lordships within his own lordship.
It illustrates a simple and straightforward situation, for the relationship between the Luterells and their feudal tenants is well documented.
The castle is named after the Norman family of Cantilupe, its first feudal tenants.
During the 13th century, feudal tenants, who carried the name "von Berwartstein" inhabited the castle, which they used as a base for raiding in the manner of robber barons.
Though like any feudal tenant, he had to pay regular fealty to his lord, who never gave any sign of recognizing his former serf.
These were feudal tenants who held their lands from the King, and would pay their dues directly to the exchequer.
William le Lyte was a feudal tenant of the estate in 1286, and the Lyte family occupied and added to the house until the mid 18th century.
In 1577, the feudal tenant was granted permission to use the ruins as a quarry.