Following a typhus epidemic in 1842, a small fever ward for in-patients was set up, and the following year subscriptions began to be collected so an infirmary could be established.
Two days later he felt tired and didn't want to visit patients in the yellow fever ward.
In October 1889 Van Gogh resumed painting of a fever ward titled Ward in the Hospital in Arles.
Other encouraging signs, experts said, include the arrival on Thursday of a 28-member Angolan medical team in Uíge and the opening of a fever ward at the provincial hospital.
Later a rheumatic fever ward was added and by 1953, the name was changed to Mary Free Bed Guild Children's Hospital and Orthopedic Center.
But I can't go having my place turned into a fever ward.
Ample accommodation was now available for the sick, with special fever wards.
When his plan was put into effect in Chester in 1783, the first fever wards in Britain, all except one of the 30 fever patients recovered.
So she was soon lying in the fever ward-- for the first time in her life in a nice clean bed.