A touch will ease the tortured mind, the fevered body, the twisted limb, the blurred sight.
He put his arm around her fevered body, and she wept briefly, then sank into sleep.
It was warm, apparently heated by the fevered body of its owner.
Now, as Pinjira's fevered body seems to melt in the bed, her husband sleeps a few feet away with a new bride.
Cold realisation of what she was doing swamped her fevered body.
He touched the black, sticky stuff, rubbing it over his fevered body, feeling strength seep into him.
She went to check on him, pulling the blanket under his fevered body, then dragging him over to the fire where it was warm.
She spent the afternoon talking to him, bathing his fevered body, changing the dressing.
His fevered body didn't care, but his mind was resentful and jealous.
The ice lay not inside him, then, but in his brother's fevered body.