His expression was cold, but his eyes held a light-a kind of fevered intensity.
Even as he registered this the face worked with fevered intensity, shifting from a frown to a grimace to a fleeting smile.
The mutant's eyes snapped open suddenly and they stared up at Everson, shining with a fevered intensity.
The boy folds himself over his notebook, working with the same fevered intensity that John showed.
Victor's eyes grew wider and more mad, glittering with fevered intensity.
The Tausug raids reached a fevered intensity by 1754.
Instead, her mouth welcomed his with fevered intensity, with a need that was as strong as his own.
His eyes, though, burned with a fevered intensity.
When Brian returned she welcomed him with fevered intensity.
They broke before her like drops of mercury, only to flow together behind her and go on with their games, a fevered intensity of play.