(For instance, Edelman points out, the corpus callosum, connecting the two sides of the brain, contains about 200 million fibers connecting each side to the other.)
The juxtarestiform body carries both afferent and efferent fibers connecting the vestibular nuclei and the flocculonodular lobe and fastigial nucleus of the cerebellum.
The fibers connecting the spiral ganglion with the central nervous system form the cochlear nerve.
Black ash is unique among all trees in North America in that it does not have fibers connecting the growth rings to each other.
Atkinson Hall contains about 2 million feet of category 6 copper cabeling with 150 optical fibers connecting the building to UCSDs network.
Three-dimensional weaving with fibers connecting flat wovens together into a 3D system are being considered for both hard and soft ballistics.
While there is a glut of fiber connecting the world's largest cities, e.Biscom provides the glass cables that can transport fast Internet, television, video-on-demand and a phone line directly into customers' homes.
Each community would be served by fiber connecting it to at least two other communities for increased reliability.
The sublenticular part contains fibers connecting with the temporal lobe.
But if the thick band of fibers connecting the two hemispheres is severed, he explained, humans seem to end up with two separate minds that show different abilities.