A second, broader patent covers a way to link a large number of different fiber-optic sensors into a network that can monitor many conditions simultaneously.
Since they began to appear in the early 1980's, fiber-optic sensors have captured only 2 to 3 percent of the estimated $6-billion-a-year worldwide market for industrial sensing systems.
The glove was black lycra with fiber-optic sensors mounted on the back of it.
A Disklavier computer uses fiber-optic sensors to calibrate the speed, pressure and touch of the finger's impact on the exposed end of the seesaw.
Eventually, airplanes may be made of metals laced with electrical or fiber-optic sensors that continously monitor structural health.
Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have patented a fiber-optic sensor that they say is considerably more sensitive than the electrical version.
Another counter-measure is to deploy a fiber-optic sensor into the existing raceway, conduit or armored cable.
The system will consist of a web of computers interconnected by fiber-optic sensors on the sea floor intended to monitor everything from geological to climate changes.
Spatially distributed temperatures at the base of two mountain snowpacks measured with fiber-optic sensors.
On Monday, Dr. Cliver said his testing included using fiber-optic sensors to register the heat inside the boards.