The red fiberglass sculpture is kinetic; it is installed in the pond.
There were also multiple fiberglass sculptures of story characters that are currently spread out around the kiddie areas of Funspot.
True, one of the tall, narrow fiberglass sculptures is solid black.
The idea has been taken up by other cities which have chosen animals for public art projects with painted fiberglass sculptures (see Similar projects).
Standing in front of everything is a fiberglass sculpture by the young London-based American artist Steven Gontarski.
Jiménez was known for his large polychromed fiberglass sculptures usually of Southwestern and Hispanic themes.
Today, a fiberglass sculpture by nationally acclaimed local artist Luis Jiménez honors the original alligators.
Following the architectural forms found in her painting, Weil embarked on a series of fiberglass sculptures in 1979.
They had no choice, really, so ubiquitous were the gussied-up fiberglass sculptures that decorated New York City's streetscapes in 2000.
The fiberglass sculpture consists of three colorful cows that appear to graze; it is installed on the lawn.