If Cyril awakened, he might mistake her for his fickle lover.
But, Cesar's Cafe resembles a fickle lover.
At one point she told a fickle lover, "I love you more than I love my Kurzweil," referring to the synthesizer she was playing.
She added: "Light, it's like a fickle lover.
His vocal signature, a kind of creaking groan, can signify the pain of racial discrimination and slum violence as well as that of fickle lovers.
It happened all the time More than one mistress had called him a fickle lover, and it was the truth.
The axe always hangs over her head, and you must ever consider your husband as only a fickle lover, whom you must every day captivate anew.
He's like a fickle lover who threatens to leave, to stay, to leave again, to stay again.
But Lady Luck was a fickle lover, Bolan knew, and when she arrived, she never stayed long.
MOST scientists who study coffee's health effects sound like fickle lovers.