You could say it's a coincidence that the F train is filled with literary fiction fans.
Robert J. Sawyer, a self-professed murder/mystery fiction fan, wrote a murder/mystery plot line into Fossil Hunter.
A famous irritant among interactive fiction fans is the "hunger daemon": code in a game that forces the player's character to periodically eat and/or drink to survive.
One young science fiction fan who read The Jameson Satellite and drew inspiration from the idea of cryonics was Robert Ettinger, who became known as the father of cryonics.
Laura Quilter (born 1968) is a writer, lawyer, librarian, professor, and science fiction fan known for both her work on intellectual property and new media, and her long-standing archive of information on feminist science fiction.
And his stories were being noticed, appreciated, enjoyed by the science fiction fans.
Exeter's tourism industry is being kept afloat by anorak-wearing romantic fiction fans and budget-conscious Brits.
"I feel myself as a real, everyday kind of American guy," Mr. Mosley said when asked whether his fiction fans might question his moral or intellectual authority to tackle "Chain Gang."
Peterborough hesitated and said, with a trace of defensiveness in his voice, "Well, I've always been a science - fiction fan.
I just met the damndest alien any science- fiction fan ever imagined teeth, wings, tail-the works.