However the version Borrow finally delivered had been reshaped into an autobiographical novel whose fictional episodes are inextricably intertwined with genuine memoir.
Unknown to Moore, Idema had added a number of fictional episodes to the book that he would later use to support his claims.
Moore and the entire panel played themselves in the fictional episode of the show.
The final fictional episode is being timed to unfold with next January's real-life Super Bowl.
He has specialized in the genre of historical novel in fundamentally political issues, mixing fictional episodes in his books.
The season's first fictional episode (seen last week) began on Sept. 10 and without bludgeoning the viewer offered just enough ominous notes.
He announced a fictional episode of Jeopardy!
It presented four fictional episodes.
Unfortunately, the producers also insert fictional episodes having to do with a family get-together of five generations of women.
It's a wholly fictional episode that seems both excessive and silly.