Anecdotes remained popular in Europe well into the 18th century, when the fictional anecdotal letters of Sir Roger de Coverley were published.
Lardner published a total of 25 "busher" stories, featuring Keefe's fictional letters to Al, between 1914 and 1919 in the Post.
Williams received further criticism in mid-July when he posted a fictional letter named "Colored People" on his blog.
The volumes contain fictional letters written by one "Mahmut the Arabian."
The work proved very successful with many people initially believing that the fictional letters between the participants it contained were genuine.
P.'s fictional letter to Hawthorne ends with "Good by!
It will be a compilation of fictional letters to others, mostly about the prison system, he said.
Neasden is a Greater London suburb which is the location of various parody institutions, and is often given as the origin of fictional letters.
However, these models were rarely featured in educational manuscripts; instead fictional letters found in numerous manuscripts were used.
His programs consisted of anti-Roosevelt, anti-British and pro-isolationism propaganda disguised in the form of fictional letters back home.