But now the fictional president calls him into action for reasons that are a catalog of real-life hot-button fears.
Our best hope for a woman in the Oval Office could be another movie about a fictional female president.
Don't you love fictional presidents?
"If some tinhorn terrorist wants me, tell him to come get me," the fictional president fictionally snaps on Air Force One after the 9/ll attacks.
Is the US ready for a fictional president?
They may love Clinton out there, but they are not ready to give us a fictional president who is morally flawed.
President Barack Obama cited President Evans as his favorite fictional president in an interview during the 2008 presidential campaign.
And while his fictional president may be unlikely to break down in the Oval Office, would a real woman as president need to be as stoic?
Kane eventually marries Emily Monroe Norton, the niece of an apparently fictional president of the United States.
For a brief through-the-looking-glass moment, Mrs. Clinton had to defer - to a fictional female president, and to a foreign real one.