Fantasia, a fictional realm of existence in the video game Chocobo Racing.
The Imagicators also puts into a fictional realm the idea of subjective reality, the idea that thought is able to influence the universe directly.
He is most famous for his long-running novel series set in the fictional realm of Xanth.
However, if no sequel follows, effective suspension of disbelief can leave the audience or readership wondering what happened in the work's fictional realm.
It may also be called an imagined, constructed or fictional realm (or world).
Countless forums for fan fiction can be found online, where loyal followers of specific fictional realms create and distribute derivative stories.
Most of Green's works take place within the same fictional realm, encompassing multiple realities which characters inhabit, or in some cases move between.
Renaissance compendiums of knowledge did not necessarily discriminate between truth by observation and the mythological or fictional realm.
But while the fictional realms she spends her days in may raise her pulse rate, she wouldn't want to live there.
The comic was about a fictional realm that was based on medieval and modern stories.