The "bad guys" on the show were usually generic thugs, gangsters, evil scientists, crooked businessmen, or spies of fictitious foreign countries.
Still others are issued in the names of wholly fictitious countries but that typically have a plausible or familiar ring to their names.
Nyanga is a fictitious country in west Africa adjacent to Senegal.
It was set in a fictitious African country.
A spokesman for the command said the exercises had as a target a fictitious country run by an "unfriendly leader" who had suddenly seized power.
Sometimes a fictitious country or denomination may be present.
According to maps shown during the film's opening, it is a fictitious country located in a segment of present-day Burma.
For the fictitious country used in sheet music identification numbers, see Bookland.
Still other times the author may simply use "Freedonia" to mean "a fictitious country for the purposes of illustration".
Vlava is the deity of a fictitious European country.