Zzxjoanw is a famous fictitious entry which fooled logologists for many years.
One can only speculate about fictitious entries that go undiscovered, especially once a work becomes very old.
Besides the obvious possibility of simple playful mischief, fictitious entries may be composed for other purposes.
In the 257th edition of the Pschyrembel, the authors omitted the fictitious entry.
Besides the possibility of playful mischief, fictitious entries may be composed to catch copyright infringement.
The company found "fictitious" entries in its timebanks, representing millions of dollars.
Hawker was just four years old at the time, making this a fictitious entry to allow him to gain "sea time" and seniority.
The story turns on the narrator's discovery of a fictitious entry about Uqbar: that is, a false article in an otherwise legitimate reference work.
Other names and forms for this are paper townsites, fictitious entries, and copyright easter eggs.
Adding a fictitious entry to a list of items is a device that has been used by poll takers over the years to test respondents.