Below is a fictitious example of an address in Seoul.
Unlike the fictitious example in the book, the plaintiff in the real case actually won (she had sued only because McDonald's did not contribute much to her medical bills).
The citation of an example, either truthful or fictitious.
(These are just fictitious examples used for clarity).
To put the difference more explicitly, both schools take the plain meaning of the text as their starting point, but have different approaches that can best be illustrated with a fictitious example.
As a fictitious example:
Nuñez is a fictitious example.
Fund accounting fiscal cycle (fictitious example)
The purpose of changing the circumstances around in my opening fictitious example is to focus on the principle that is being obscured in what is now a male-female shootout.
The fictitious example being used here is not the easiest one to explain to an informant, but many much more difficult ones have been explained and interviews obtained.