Their "history" is a crime against history itself, for they choose to see, to note, and to report only the most scurrilous and fictitious reports to satisfy this end.
"This fictitious report does not serve the best interest of shareholders, customers and employees."
Some studies have shown that only a small percentage of children produce fictitious reports of sexual abuse on their own.
Heck, he could have written Homer a purely fictitious report that would have allowed AeroTech to accomplish the same thing.
The woman, who first told the police she had been raped, has been charged with making fictitious reports to law enforcement, prostitution and criminal theft by extortion.
Huxul forgot that his fictitious report would inevitably be checked over by the positronicomputer.
Wadu Jackson, 20, of Irvington, N.J., was charged with conspiracy, initiating a false public alarm and making a fictitious report to the police.
In a typical case, the investigators said, an officer would file a fictitious report of an accident in which neither motorist had been involved.
The police charged Urbanek-Bach with fictitious reports to law enforcement, prostitution and criminal theft by extortion.
The woman was later charged with making fictitious reports to law enforcement, prostitution and criminal theft by extortion.