Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But the rest of the figures here are, in his word, fictive.
On the fictive architecture each motif is picked out in black.
Shaw's world, at once real and fictive, makes me think of good modern fiction.
Under the Communists, a similar circulation was claimed but probably fictive.
That fictive quality is both the novel's weakness and its promise.
The fictive story is partially based on historical events and real persons.
He was best known in the English-speaking world for his short stories and fictive essays.
Fictive kinship has been demonstrated among the spouses of military men and women as well.
They can also be produced in a laboratory, a procedure known as "fictive calling."
The poem however is either fictive or possibly persons are mixed.
Yet at the same time he appears to want the effects, if not the burdens, of the fictive illusion.
The unreality we experienced on Sept. 11 was of something fictive.
These critics disallow, in effect, the human situation of fictive expression.
Working single mothers may also rely on the help from fictive kin, who provide for the children while the mother is at her job.
"Pearson" is a fictive image of a real place.
Do kids really want to explore the artificiality of the fictive narrative?
But in fact, the fictive side of national television has been kinder than the news side.
Fictive motion sentences are pervasive in English and other languages.
The fictive musical also takes place aboard a ship, the Dodo.
This model projects the lives of fictive individuals as a base for pension amount calculation.
All the terms of kinship refer to members of the family, real or fictive.
All the terms, except mother and father, refer to the real and fictive relative.
So I couldn't ask the father to act in a fictive way, and have 10 takes, and choose one of them.
There are even some fictive and musical pieces based on it, some more accurate than others.