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This is one of the reasons that features did not succeed in dealing fictively with the Vietnam War until well after it was over.
"My mind can't stop running fictively," he said, explaining that he was turning out books these days faster than his publisher could cope with them.
It was fictively established by Constantine the Great, though, in reality, it was founded some time between 1520 and 1545 by two brothers belonging to the Angeli Comneni family.
The episode was the culmination of an unprecedented pairing of the fictional pregnancy of Lucy with the real-life pregnancy of Lucille Ball; "real-time pregnancy was fictively narrated for the first time on American television."
In the images and texts of the portfolio, however, this historical and conceptual background has been playfully recombined and fictively elaborated to project Francis through a double prism, through both medieval and contemporary experiences of the senses.
And they are mainly about Kenji Nakagami, the first writer from the ghetto to make it into the mainstream and from within it to attempt to tell other Japanese, however fictively or even fantastically, about life at the rough end of the economic miracle.
Bolesław Prus wrote The Doll with such close attention to the physical detail of Warsaw that it was possible, in the Interbellum, to precisely locate the very buildings where, fictively, Wokulski had lived and his store had been located on Krakowskie Przedmieście.