In the corner is a 29-year-old ficus plant.
The victim of Ned's "murder" was merely her favorite ficus plant, and the girlish scream actually came from Ned himself.
Lush, tall ficus plants provide additional privacy.
His eyes fell on the ficus plant.
With three framed watercolors and a leafy four-foot ficus plant, I thought the place looked very tasteful.
The gray metal tail section of a Russian-made bomb serves as a flower pot for a well-watered ficus plant.
I finally went with "atrium white" - a bad name (evoking skylights and ficus plants), but a good color.
A threecourse meal in a place with ficus plants and white tablecloths.
There are several pieces of Mexican art and modern art, a ficus plant and a low varnished rattan table.
For these viewers, it may well question the very basic idea that a ficus plant can be considered a friend.