The evidence also suggests that during this period, the Earth's magnetic field decreases in strength by a factor of 5 or so.
Terraced fields decrease erosion and surface runoff, and are effective for growing crops that require a lot of water, including rice.
Such a configuration would have no dipole moment, and its field will decrease at large distances faster than that of a dipole.
The field is made of natural grass, which can decrease injuries, but can also decrease the running speed as compared to artificial turf.
Thus, if compared to the standard of 1696, both the rectangular fields and the tails have decreased in size.
The magnetic field has decreased in strength through recent years.
In the past twenty-two years, the field has decreased its strength 1.7%, on average.
Replies: If you set the diameter of the lenses to a constant, then field of view decreases with increasing magnification.
Rural regions could see increased tree cover as the indigenous populations, and their cultivated fields, decreased in number and density.
After the primary current is turned off, the primary magnetic field decreases.